Wednesday, December 17, 2014

It feels like they've finally erased my brain after so many attacks.
Have you ever been in shock that doesn't wear off? After years of daily torture I've finally reached my max. I can't believe how many foolish people can't see reality. People are enslaved. Nazi experiments are being conducted on my mind and I am tortured by satellite type weapons and unable to escape the abuse and people think they have freedom. For how long? You do have choices to make. You can choose God over evil. You can choose salvation. That is the only choice you have left. The bases are loaded and they are killing people everyday. They can kill you at the press of a button. You are just entertainment to them. You are just their play toy. They phone me daily. They get off on suffering. Your pain feeds them. Keep living in your make believe world thinking you have some form of control. The ground is getting ready to be pulled out from under you. You fascinate yourself with petty meaningless things while they plan your demise. You can keep griping about the stock market while we are about to go to war with Russia and you can cry about liberals and republicans and bullshit off in the future that will never happen and put up as many smoke screens as you want but eventually you day will come. You can't serve two masters. We should have stood up for the innocents years ago. We should have stood up against injustice and porn and evil. None did. Satan dominated America. These dark armies try every day to destroy my spirit through mind invasion and physical torture. They use energy weapons. . They want to destroy my spirit through constant abuse to try and separate me from Christ which will never happen. I have never known abuse so this is something foreign to me. Abuse is degrading and dehumanizing. They want to torture me to try to destroy the light that makes me exist. My will is my power. They want to destroy my willpower. We can be at the lowest of the low and only know ourselves and God and be as mighty as a king. They monitor me to see how much torture I can take and discover what it takes to break somebody apart and rework their mind and possess them to try and make them lose their identity. They are so envious and jealous and angry I exposed their crimes and resist their empire that they will eventually kill me if they can’t destroy the light that makes me exist inside and my reason for living. I want to go where I am free. If I went to Russia for just a month could Putin offer me protection? Just a place to stay where I would be safe? They won’t release my mind. They use these mind weapons daily. I need peace. I have to have peace of my mind to restore my mind. I bet they know who each of you are. I bet they have a data base. You are being enslaved by the devil and you don't even know it because you are too deceived by entertainment and technology

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